Collections (CMS)

How to Set Up Transitions to Dynamic Collection Pages


So, you have an index collection page displaying all its elements/items, and dynamic pages for each element/item. But these pages are not linked to each other.

How can you make it so that each item on the index page links to its corresponding dynamic page?

1. Add an element that, when clicked, will trigger the transition

Open the index page and add an action element in the Collection Item that will handle the transition. This could be a button, Text Link, or Link Block.

For example, let's add a button to the collection item.

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2. Set up the click action for the element

Select the button and go to the Settings tab (right panel). Click the "+" to add an action.

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In the Action field, select "Transition to Dynamic Page".

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3. Save changes and publish the page

All set! Now, clicking the button will open the page for the relevant collection item. 

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You can only test the click transition on the published website; it will not work in the preview.