You can work on projects with other users in Taptop. To do this, you can create a Team, which is a dedicated workspace.
By default, when you sign in Taptop, there will be created a personal team for you with your name (‘Name’ Team) and a unique ID. You can see the team name and ID in the top left corner of the Dashboard.
Initially, you are the owner and the sole member of this team. You can use your workspace to work on a personal project or invite other team members for joint activities.
You have all the rights to manage a personal team and its projects, including defining the roles of members and their access rights. For more details, see Team members roles.
A personal team cannot be deleted and its owner cannot be changed.
You can create additional teams to work on projects. As with a personal team, when you create any new team, you become its owner and have the appropriate rights. Thus, you have full control over the created team and its projects.
In the case of additional teams, you can reassign team ownership to another member. There is also the possibility of deleting a team.
In addition to the teams you have created, you can also be a member of other teams that you have been invited to.
The left side of the Dashboard displays a list of teams of which you are a member (either as an owner or as an invited participant). You will see the + button at the bottom of the list, with which you can create a new team.
You can switch between teams by clicking on the icons with their abbreviations (logos). When you switch to a specific team, you get to its workspace, which contains a list of all projects and settings available to you (depending on your access rights). The projects a team is currently working on are only available within its respective workspace.
Learn more about Teams: